¿Qué necesitas para cuidar una mantis en cautividad?

What do you need to care for a mantis in captivity?

Welcome to our complete guide on general mantis care. If you are considering having a mantis as a pet or already have one and want to make sure it is receiving proper care, this article is for you. Mantids are fascinating insects and relatively easy to care for, but they require a specific environment and proper diet to thrive. In this guide, we will provide you with all the necessary information to ensure proper care and maintenance of your mantis.

Terrarium preparation

The first thing we have to know is where we are going to put our pet, in this case the ideal is a terrarium. The size of the terrarium depends on the size of the mantis. A general rule of thumb is that the terrarium should be at least three times the length of the mantis tall and twice as wide. For example, for a 6cm mantis, a terrarium 18cm high and 12cm wide would be suitable. The terrarium has to be large enough so that the mantis can hang and molt correctly, but we cannot go too big either since it is generally an animal that waits for the prey to pass in front of it to hunt it and If the enclosure is very large, it could die of hunger when it does not find its prey.

Make sure the terrarium has adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture and mold.

As for decoration, they need places to hang and rest. Branches, artificial or natural plants, dry leaves and other objects can be used to allow the mantis to be comfortable in its environment.

Examples of ideal terrariums for mantises:

Specially designed terrarium for small and medium-sized mantises 12x12x22cm available at: https://www.scalearea.com/products/kit-complete-insecto-mantis?variant=43160290492624

Special designed terrarium for small, medium and large mantises 22x22x22cm available at: https://www.scalearea.com/products/kit-complete-insecto-mantis?variant=46509458293074

Parameters (lighting, temperature and humidity)

As for lighting, it is enough to distinguish the day-night cycle with natural or artificial light. Most mantids prefer temperatures between 22°C and 30°C, and can drop somewhat at night. In cold climates, it may be necessary to place a heating blanket in the terrarium.

Heating blanket necessary to keep mantises in cold climates available at: https://www.scalearea.com/products/manta-calefactora

The Humidity they need is variable, since each species comes from a continent, as with the temperature, once we know the species we are going to maintain it is better to inform yourself about the parameters more specifically.

Temperature and humidity control for greater precision of the mantis parameters available at: https://www.scalearea.com/products/termometro-higrometro-digital-con-sonda

Mantis feeding

Mantises are predators and feed mainly on live insects. Generally, at birth they begin feeding on Drosophila and as they grow, the size of the prey adapts to that of the mantis. There are species that are more voracious than others but they usually have no problem hunting everything that comes their way and they can grab (Crickets, flies, cockroaches, worms, lobsters...)

Live food for mantises at home of all types and sizes available at: https://www.scalearea.com/collections/alimento-vivo

Young mantises should be fed daily, while adults can eat every two to three days. The more you feed them the faster they will grow.

Handling, how to handle a mantis

Mantids are delicate and must be handled with care. Use your hands clean and dry and avoid sudden movements. It is best to let the mantis climb onto your hand on its own.

Biological cycle

Mantids are born from structures full of eggs called oothecae. Once they are laid by adult females, they usually take 4 to 8 weeks to hatch, although depending on the species it can be more or less. Once they are born, they are called the L1 nymph stage and with each molt they make, they evolve one stage (L2, L3, L4...) and grow in size. Females usually make 6 to 10 molts, and the male the same or 1, 2 or 3 less molts depending on the species, until in the last molt they become adults and grow their wings.


Once in the adult stage, females take from 10 days to a month to be ready for copulation and males a little less. After copulation a few days later, the female will lay the first ootheca and will lay several oothecae throughout her life, since with one copulation she fertilizes several oothecae. Generally after 1 to 2 months, 15 to 200 nymphs will be born per ootheca depending on the species.


Caring for a mantis can be a rewarding and educational experience. With the right environment, food, and care, your mantis can live a healthy, active life. We hope this guide has provided you with the information you need to become an excellent mantis keeper. If you have more questions or need a mantis or products for them, do not hesitate to visit our store.

On our website you can find different species of mantises that we deliver to your home throughout Europe. Among the species we have are: Jeweled flower mantis (Creobroter sp. "Yunnan"), Ghost mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa), African flower mantis ( Chlidonoptera lestoni), Egyptian pygmy mantis (Miomantis paykullii), Cryptic mantis (Sibylla pretiosa), Dragon mantis (Stenophylla lobivertex), Hierodula majuscula (Giant Australian rainforest mantis), Idolomantis Diabolica (Devil's flower mantis), Deroplatys truncata (Mantis dead leaf shield), Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus)...

You can see photos of them and more specific care at: https://www.scalearea.com/collections/mantis

We also have complete mantis kits with everything you need to start caring for one: https://www.scalearea.com/products/kit-completo-insecto-mantis

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